The 4th Asian Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (AEIS2024)
November 25- 26 (2024)
Venue: Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
The 4th Asian Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (AEIS2024) Symposium will be held in Nagoya, Japan from November 25-26, 2024. This AEIS symposium is an international meeting started in 2015, which organized in China under the leadership of Prof. Jianbo Zhang and Prof. Masayuki Itagaki. Following the successful meetings held in Beijing (2015), Tokyo (2017) and Changsha (2019), AEIS2024 will be a wonderful opportunity to gather experts in various fields around EIS technique. This symposium consists of oral and poster presentations including several plenary and keynote talks to share progress in developing EIS. We are looking forward to seeing you in AEIS2024.
Chair: Yoshinao Hoshi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Co-Chair: Jianbo Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
Co-Chair: Masayuki Itagaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Secretary: Dr. Shinya Kato,
Nagoya Institute of Technology, JAPAN.
E-mail: kato.shinya[@]nitech.ac.jp
Important DatesJuly 19, 2024: Deadline of abstract submission →Deadline Extended → New submission deadline: August 6, 2024August 2, 2024: Notification of acceptance to authors → August 27, 2024: Notification of acceptance to authorsSeptember 6, 2024: Deadline of early registration fees →Deadline Extended → New deadline: September 13, 2024
November 25, 2024: Opening of AEIS 2024

Financial supports